Day Habilitation
Our Day Habilitation Programs are weekday offerings of individualized activities with emphasis and skill building and inclusive activities that expose the individual to building peer relationships and relationships in the community.
What You Need to Know
Our Day Habilitation program is available to any adult person eligible for or currently enrolled in the Home and Community Based Waiver.
For those who need a defined location that offers structure and familiar surroundings, we offer Day Habilitation with walls.
For those with an interest in and ability to meet at various locations in the community, we offer Day Habilitation without walls.
Our Approach
Our programs are designed to accommodate the desires and needs of the participating individuals.
On the surface the programs may look similar, but the individuals involved determine what is included in each program.
Examples of activities are: developing skills in homemaking, personal hygiene, money management, socialization and communication. Individuals can practice job-related skills or explore interests in the arts.
Every opportunity is taken to explore the community and forge lasting relationships there. Day Habilitation participants find enjoyment as volunteers at hospitals, senior centers, libraries, animal shelters, and community centers.
On the Horizon
We are developing employment-related supports to meet the ever-increasing capabilities of the people we support and also to accommodate newcomers to the program.